SGP Series 12 Germany


Sailplane Grand Prix has ended ceremoniously

Sailplane Grand Prix has ended ceremoniously

Unfortunately, the last two days of the gliding Grand Prix were literally a washout. Continuous heavy rain put a stop to any flying activity from the beginning. The Grand Prix organization team, therefore, had to declare finished the competition with three qualifying...

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Race Day 7 canceled

Race Day 7 canceled

Sportsdirector Bernd Schmid had to cancel also the last day due to the very bad weather. During the last two days we had the same amount of rain as during a usual complete month of May. 

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Day 5 – soaring with maximum thrill

Day 5 – soaring with maximum thrill

Björn Gintzel flies to his second victory of the day. After Wednesday had to be canceled due to the weather, the hope of being able to fly a competition day on Thursday was not very high. The weather forecasts were too bad. However particularly with a Grand Prix, even...

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Time Schedule

Preliminary Time Table  (There may still be changes…)

Arrival:  from May 22nd, 2024

Training options:  May 23rd – 25th, 2024
Document control: May 24th from 2:00 p.m. – May 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m
Technical control: May 24th from 2:00 p.m. – May 25, 2024, 6:00 p.m

Opening briefing:  May 25, 2024; 8:00 p.m. (Hangar 1)
Opening:  May 26, 2024, 9:00 a.m. (Hangar 1)

Competition:   May 26th – June 1, 2024


Daily schedule:

  • Weighing: from 08:00 a.m.
  • Gridding: usually from 08:15 to 10:00 a.m. (changes via notice board or WhatsApp)
  • Briefing: 10:00 a.m.

Barbeque evening:   May 30, 2024, 8:00 p.m. (Hangar 1)

Closing event and award ceremony:   June 1, 2024 8:00 p.m. (Hangar 1)


Airfield frequency: „AALEN RADIO“ 121.405 MHz (Towing, Finish)

Competition frequency: „AALEN COMPETITION“ 128.890 MHz (Starting Line, safety)

N 48° 46,67′ – E 10° 15,88′

altitude: 1916 ft oder 586 m MSL


RWY Dimensions Surface Strength TORA LDA
 1000 x 25 m ASPH 10000 kg MPW 950 m 950 m
1000 x 30 m Grass 2500 kg MPW 950 m 950 m

During the Competition:    whole width of grass runway can be used during the landing phase.   Asphalt runway only for direct landings and after clearance.



Flugplatz Aalen/Elchingen

Hinteres Härtle 6

73450 Neresheim



From North and South:

Take the motorway A7 Aalen/Oberkochen exit, drive towards Neresheim, after the end of Elchingen turn right towards the airport.

From the West (from Stuttgart):

Take the road B 29 to Aalen, then the B19 to Unterkochen, there follow the signs to the A7 (ATTENTION: speed cameras in Ebnat).

After reaching the Aalen/Oberkochen motorway exit, follow the directions from the north/south.

Alternatively via the motorway A8 or B10/B466.

From the East:

Drive via Nördlingen on the road B466 to Neresheim, then follow the signs to Aalen. After the town of Stetten (approx. 1 km) turn left into the airport.


How to enter the airfield ?

Entrance to the airfield

  • Entry to the airfield is only allowed at the blue gate east of the „Flying Museum“
  • Entering the airside through the campsite is strictly forbidden!
  • Upon arrival you will receive a chip that allows you to open the gate
  • The first entry and collection of the chip takes place at the briefing hall (see next slide)
    One-way street, accessible only from 23.05. to 26.05.
  • Exiting the airfield is only permitted via the gate
    Drive up to the magnetic loop, the gate opens automatically.
Where can I sleep during the competition ?

There is a campsite at the airfield.

When you register, you should specify whether you are traveling with a tent, caravan or motorhome and specify the required pitch space in length (m) and width (m).

We reserve the right to personally allocate the available parking spaces and tent spaces and, depending on the current situation and space occupancy, to also allocate parking spaces and tent spaces in the surrounding area outside of the airfield.

There are also options for renting a caravan or motorhome:

MW Caravaning ↗


If you want to rent a hotel or holiday apartment, please take care of it yourself!

Here are a few helpful links:

Gastliches Härtsfeld ↗

Gastlichkeit in Neresheim ↗

Übernachten auf der Schwäbischen Alb ↗

Hotels und Übernachten in Aalen ↗

Unterkunftssuche – Tourismus Ostalbkreis ↗

Übernachten Ries – Ostalb ↗

Unterkünfte in Westhausen ↗

Übernachtungsangebote Heidenheimer Brenzregion ↗

Landgasthof Ochsen Elchingen ↗

Business Homes – Lauchheim ↗

Hotel Alte Linde Aalen-Waldhausen ↗

Hotel Restaurant Adler Aalen-Waldhausen ↗

Landgasthof Lamm Aalen-Ebnat ↗

What about the catering ?

From Sunday May, 26th on there will be a catering from our airport restaurant.
On barbecue and closing event May, 30th and June 1st there will be special meals served by our youngsters‘ crew. The dinner meals must be ordered in advance.

Every day from 7:30 am there is a bread roll service or breakfast buffet (each by prior order) as well as coffee and tea.

Sandwiches, snacks, drinks and coffee and cake are available at lunchtime.